Miljødirektoratet, 04.02.2015
Havforsuring og opptak av antropogent karbon i de Nordiske hav, 1981-2013 (in Norwegian)
Havforsuring og opptak av antropogent karbon i de Nordiske hav, 1981-2013 (in Norwegian)
Bjerknes Times, 30.01.2015
Article about a science-policy event on 10 years of ocean carbon and climate research in Bergen. The event flyer can be found here: science-policy event in Bergen.
Article about a science-policy event on 10 years of ocean carbon and climate research in Bergen. The event flyer can be found here: science-policy event in Bergen.
Eos Research Spotlight, 09.12.2014
Ocean carbon uptake more variable than previously thought
Ocean carbon uptake more variable than previously thought
IMBER newsletter, 08.10.2014
The 2014 Community Event of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas
Time of emergence of trends in ocean biogeochemistry
Recent climatic changes enhance ongoing ocean acidification in the California Current System
GLODAPv2 – A new and updated global ocean data product
The 2014 Community Event of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas
Time of emergence of trends in ocean biogeochemistry
Recent climatic changes enhance ongoing ocean acidification in the California Current System
GLODAPv2 – A new and updated global ocean data product
BT Innsikt, 06.10.2014
Personlig egenskap: Tålmodighet (in Norwegian)
Personlig egenskap: Tålmodighet (in Norwegian)
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 01.10.2014
Seasonal variations of the surface nutrients and hydrography in the Norwegian Sea
Seasonal variations of the surface nutrients and hydrography in the Norwegian Sea
SOLAS newsletter, 06.07.2014
The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) informs on the global ocean carbon sink and its variability
The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) informs on the global ocean carbon sink and its variability
Science Daily, 28.05.2014
Detecting oceanic carbon sink today and in the future
Detecting oceanic carbon sink today and in the future
Reykjavik Vikublad, 22.03.2014
Höfin súrna hratt, interview, p14 (in Icelandic)
Höfin súrna hratt, interview, p14 (in Icelandic)
European Review, 26.02.2014
The role of the ocean carbon cycle in climate change
The role of the ocean carbon cycle in climate change
CSIR popular science & engineering publication ScienceScope, 30.11.2013
Keeping tabs on carbon dioxide
Keeping tabs on carbon dioxide
Climat, Modéliser pour comprendre et anticiper, 26.09.2013
Le cycle du carbone peut-il devenir fou? (in French)
Le cycle du carbone peut-il devenir fou? (in French)
Le développement durable à découvert, CNRS editions, 06.09.2013
L’océan, acteur du système Terre global (in French)
L’océan, acteur du système Terre global (in French)
Coriolis newsletter, 26.06.2013
European contributions to SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean regional Study): research cruise Strasse, Argo and Provbio floats, surface drifters, ships of opportunity
European contributions to SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean regional Study): research cruise Strasse, Argo and Provbio floats, surface drifters, ships of opportunity
SOLAS newsletter, 26.06.2013
Second version of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) to be released this summer for climate research
Second version of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) to be released this summer for climate research
SOLAS newsletter, 26.06.2013
The changing carbon sink in the Atlantic Ocean
The changing carbon sink in the Atlantic Ocean
Simply Seatrade magazine, 01.12.2012
A decade of observing surface pCO2 in the North Atlantic
A decade of observing surface pCO2 in the North Atlantic
OCB newsletter (5/2), 31.05.2012
Exploring the Future Evolution of Multiple Stressors in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
Exploring the Future Evolution of Multiple Stressors in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
CORDIS News, 23.04.2012
A sea-change in CO2 data records
A sea-change in CO2 data records, 30.03.2012
Uvitenskapelige om CO2-kretsløpet (in Norwegian)
Uvitenskapelige om CO2-kretsløpet (in Norwegian)
Dagens næringsliv (Norwegian financial newspaper), 21.03.2012
Kan gi bedre klimapolitikk (in Norwegian)
Kan gi bedre klimapolitikk (in Norwegian) (Nordic online research news), 20.03.2012
CO2 map provides quality control for climate research
CO2 map provides quality control for climate research
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 20.03.2012
Global data products help assess changes to ocean carbon sink
Global data products help assess changes to ocean carbon sink (Norwegian online research news), 19.03.2012
CO2-kart skal kvalitetssikre klimaforskning
CO2-kart skal kvalitetssikre klimaforskning
CNRS INSU, 17.03.2012
Une base de données internationale pour mieux évaluer le puits de carbone océanique (in French)
Une base de données internationale pour mieux évaluer le puits de carbone océanique (in French)
UNESCO Media Services, 16.03.2012
New dataset provides 40-year record of carbon dioxide accumulation in the surface ocean
New dataset provides 40-year record of carbon dioxide accumulation in the surface ocean
Science Newsline, 16.03.2012
New Dataset Provides 40-year Record of Carbon Dioxide Accumulation in the Surface Ocean
New Dataset Provides 40-year Record of Carbon Dioxide Accumulation in the Surface Ocean
UEA News, 16.03.2012
New dataset provides 40-year record of carbon dioxide accumulation in the surface ocean
New dataset provides 40-year record of carbon dioxide accumulation in the surface ocean
Wired IT, 16.03.2012
Socat, un atlante che racconta la salute degli oceani (in Italian)
Socat, un atlante che racconta la salute degli oceani (in Italian)
UK Ocean Acidification Research Program, 16.03.2012
New dataset provides 40-year record of carbon dioxide accumulation in the surface ocean
New dataset provides 40-year record of carbon dioxide accumulation in the surface ocean
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Reseach online news, 16.03.2012
40-year record of carbon dioxide in unique new dataset
40-year record of carbon dioxide in unique new dataset
Stavanger Aftenbladet (regional newspaper), 16.03.2012
Klimaforskarar lettar på sløret (in Norwegian)
Klimaforskarar lettar på sløret (in Norwegian)
På Høyden (University of Bergen online news), 16.03.2012
Når havet får nok (in Norwegian)
Når havet får nok (in Norwegian)
Når havet får nok (in Norwegian)
Når havet får nok (in Norwegian)
UiB aktuelt (University of Bergen press release), 16.03.2012
40 års CO2 -målinger i unik databank (in Norwegian)
40 års CO2 -målinger i unik databank (in Norwegian)
OCB newsletter (5/1), 28.02.2012
Contribution to the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) newsletter
Contribution to the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) newsletter
IMBER update, 01.12.2011
ETH Life (ETH Zurich online news), 11.10.2011
Eddies reduce biological productivity
Eddies reduce biological productivity
Teknisk Ukeblad (Norwegian technical newspaper), 08.03.2011
Bekymret for virkningen av CO2-utslipp på havet (in Norwegian)
Bekymret for virkningen av CO2-utslipp på havet (in Norwegian)
UiB aktuelt (University of Bergen press release), 08.03. 2011
CO2-jakt ledes fra Bergen (in Norwegian)
CO2-jakt ledes fra Bergen (in Norwegian)
GFI news (Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, online news), 02.03. 2011
EPOCA Ocean Acidification, 10.02. 2011
Kick-off for CARBOCHANGE
Kick-off for CARBOCHANGE