The CARBOCHANGE project has come to an end on 28 February 2015.


CARBOCHANGE was a Collaborative Project funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) under grant agreement number 264879. The project had started in March 2011 and ended in February 2015. CARBOCHANGE investigated the ocean‘s quantitative role in the uptake of carbon under changing climate conditions, thereby using past and present data to infer on our ocean‘s future.


The CARBOCHANGE project included 30 partners from 15 countries across Europe, Africa and North America. Many of the researchers will continue their work at their own institutions and furthermore contribute to the lasting legacy of the project (e.g. SOCAT, GLODAP and various Earth system model runs for international assessments).


We hope that you will find this website useful. Use the links above to find out more about the project’s structure and its scientific achievements.